Support our journey

There are multiple ways of supporting us in pursuing our mission:

Donate monetarily

If you are interested in contributing monetarily to our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we would like to thank you in advance for supporting our mission. Recurring monthly or one-time donations can be made in two clicks through PayPal, securely processed by their PayPal Giving Fund:

All the details on how donations are processed can be found in this FAQ section of the PayPal Giving Fund website.

Alternatively, we can accept donations through any other organization enabling the support of 501(c)(3) nonprofits, such as Fidelity Charitable. The choice is yours!

As gratitude for your support, all donors will be acknowledged on a dedicated page of our website, unless you prefer anonymity. If you choose to contribute at least $10 per month on a recurring basis, you will receive the optional designation of Supporting Advisor, and we will carefully consider any feedback you provide to us on our initiatives and strategy. We will reach out to Supporting Advisors on a monthly basis, but they are welcome to initiate discussions with the board at any time.

Donate your time

Volunteering your time for our organization is a great way to ensure you have a significant impact on our programs, and we would be glad to have you contribute in some way. Please see our new Volunteer Roles listing for more details and to express your interest.