Get Involved

This page describes ways individuals could make a difference by getting involved with us. For organizations, please see our Work with Us page.

Physics Unlimited is an organization of volunteers dedicated to extending access to physics and STEM to students everywhere. There are multiple ways for you to get involved:

  1. Moonshot Program: We are looking for volunteers to teach our new, engaging series of lessons to individuals underrepresented in physics (anywhere in the U.S.)
  2. Regional Sites: We would like to establish chapters at universities in the U.S. to help spearhead and develop our programs
  3. Premier Competition: We would like to expand our partnerships with entities willing to host this onsite exam around the world
  4. Explorer Competition: We need volunteers to help administer and judge works for this online research-oriented event
  5. We are exploring the feasibility of running a physics makeathon in the future

Moonshot Program teachers

Physics Unlimited is seeking undergraduate/graduate student volunteers, or certified teachers and faculty members, to teach an innovative general physics curriculum (developed this past summer of 2019) to learners traditionally underrepresented in physics across the U.S. as part of our new Moonshot Program. If interested, please e-mail us with a brief summary of your intent (including choice of target audience, e.g. inmates at a prison, town residents at a local library, students in an after-school program, etc.) and relevant qualifications to We will provide all the course materials (lessons and optional exercises) to those selected as instructors. For those who choose to teach at a correctional facility, you will receive training on best practices at such a center prior to commencing teaching.

Regional Sites

Physics Unlimited would like to establish Regional Sites at various universities in the U.S. The groups of students at these Regional Sites will be at the forefront of helping expand existing programs and developing new programs in the future. If you are interested, please fill out question 1 of our Get Involved form.

Premier Competition hosts

Physics Unlimited is always seeking to expand our partnership network with universities and nonprofits. Your entity would host the onsite Premier Competition by having high school-level students come to your location and complete a written 1.5-hour individual-based exam we would provide to you. We currently partner with entities in Germany, China, Korea, and Turkey. If you are ready to talk to the relevant coordinators at your organization or university about acting as a host of the Premier Competition, please fill out question 2 of our brief Get Involved form.

Explorer Competition volunteers

Physics Unlimited needs volunteers based at U.S. universities to help run the logistics of and judge the online Explorer Competition, our worldwide, week-long annual research-oriented, team-based competition. There are multiple ways for you to get involved with this event. If interested, please fill out question 3 of our brief Get Involved form.

Physics Makeathon

Physics Unlimited is exploring the feasibility of organizing the Physics Makeathon, a hands-on project-based assignment that would incorporate elements of both maker space and hackathon. If you would like to be involved in any role, please consider answering this short questionnaire.

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